How to Find a Best Domain Name for Your WordPress Blog

WordPress Blog

If you want to start your blogging career as a new blogger, you have to choose the name of your blog – your domain name – the name of your business. And coming up with ideas for a blog name is a hectic task. You should choose your blog name to be unique, catchy, and easy to remember. The digital platform comes with intense competition as a result of millions of websites trying to attract users, so finding a name for your WordPress blog is all-important.

Most importantly, your blog name gives you the opportunity to connect with your customers and rebrand your business identity, so it can’t be too long, it should be of the right length and should be relative and appropriate.

A blog name generator is a tool that can help you analyze your content and will choose and provide the right name for your blog. That name can eventually become the defining characteristic that your brand is known for.

Let’s look at the things you should consider when choosing a proper name as well as how you can use a blog name generator to come up with a decent-sized list of names.

Things To Note About The WordPress Blog Name

When it comes to blog name generator, you need to keep several things in mind while creating a name for your blog and we are going to discuss that aspect below:

  • Keyword
  • Appearance
  • Tone
  • Marketing
  • Uniqueness
  • Extension
  1. Keyword:

Keywords in the domain name are one of the ranking factors in SERP but keywords only will not help you to rank your website in search engines. This is the most commonly argued topic about how important a keyword should be to a domain name. Some say keywords matter in the domain, others say they don’t.

Using keywords related to your business niche in your domain name can help your website rank, but only if it is accompanied by a site that meets other Google ranking factors such as your site. Must be mobile-friendly, perform well, and offer high-quality content.

Basically, you can’t expect that the keywords in the domain name will make your site bounce up in the SERPs, with a poorly-designed website with thin, poorly-written content.

2. Appearance

One of the main reasons why some name is always remembered in one’s mind is that the name is short, sweet, and simple. It all starts with choosing the right name for your WordPress blog and that’s how you rebrand your business. Always keep in mind that the name tells what your blog is about.

Make sure the name should not be long and difficult to pronounce. If you want to make an impact online and want people to talk about your online presence then go with a name that is easy to use and remember.

One more thing, you should avoid using hyphens, special characters as well as complex numbers with too many syllables in your name as it may prevent easy recognition of the same by online users.

3. Tone

Whatever name you choose for your blog, it should reflect the tone of its content. If you use a humorous tone that’s just for fun, your blog name should have a similar meaning. If your content has a persuasive purpose then the name of your WordPress blog should reflect that.

You can use a keyword tool to choose specific keywords for your niche and content, you can also check your competition and also see how they rank their keywords using SEO tools.

4. Marketing

Blogging is a business, and it has the potential to be the next big brand in your niche. If you do marketing well then you will see huge traffic on your blog, but first, you have to choose the right name for your WordPress blog.

Any successful website that has millions of online users starts with a simple website with a big name. Not that only choosing great names will work, but it does play an important role.

The name of your blog should be something that customers can easily recognize and that they need to feel connected to. There are many websites like that such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, and the list goes on.

5. Uniqueness

Uniqueness is the key aspect when it comes to choosing a brand name. Customers should not get confused with your brand name and other brand names so your brand name should be unique and so should your WordPress blog name. So you should spend some time researching the right name of your blog.

Try to buy your name with the right domain name extension, .com is the most common and most familiar domain extension for online users, so you should go with it.

6. Extension

Again, as we mentioned earlier it makes more sense to go with .com for your domain name as opposed to .net, .org and many others. .com is the most popular domain extension on the web, and so you should choose a domain name that customers are more likely to remember.

Choosing the right extension for your domain makes sense and gives you the upper hand of potential customers. We are giving you a shortlist of some of the most popular extensions that tell you when to use:

.com = commercial

.org = organization

.net = network

.gov = government

There are many blog name generators available, some of which are free to use while others charge very little to generate a unique name for your blog.